Grover Fixed Point Search for QUBO

Atithi Acharya, Ákos Nagy, Jaime Park, and Cindy Zhang

Mentor: Alex Khan


Batch 2 Demo Day

Wednesday, August 9, 2023.

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Grover's Search Algorithm

  • Built to find a marked state in database of unsorted unmarked ones.

  • Done through iterative application of reflections.

  • Quadratic speed up as $N$ increases.

The Soufflé Problem

  • Grover's struggles when the number of target states is unknown (the number of iterations is also unknown).

  • With too few rotations, we "undercook" the state.

  • Too many rotations and we "overcook" the state.

Solution: Grover Fixed Point Search

  • A generalization of Grover's Search Algorithm.

  • Yoder–Low–Chuang (2014): Phases are added to the reflection oracles based on success probability.

  • As the number of iterations increase, the probability of success can only increase.

  • Eliminates the soufflé problem and maintains the quadratic speed up.

Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) problems

  • Problem: given a quadratic (real-valued) function, $f$, on $n$ (classical) bits, find its maximum.

  • Such a function is given by a symmetric $n$-by-$n$ matrix, $Q$, and a constant $c$. (WLOG: set $c = 0$.)

  • MaxCut is QUBO with $Q = $ Graph Laplacian.

Circuit design

  • State Preparation: Equal superposition of solutions and ancillas

  • Grover Oracle: Marks desired states with some phase adjusted based on the success probability

  • Diffusion Operator: Amplifies marked state

  • The last two steps are repeated for all angles $\alpha$ and $\beta$.

Oracle Overview

  • Digitize values into ancillas.

  • Mark desired states (first ancilla becomes 1 when value is above or on threshold).

  • Reset ancillas to threshold value.

  • Based on Gilliam–Woerner–Gonciulea (2021): $S_t$ uses $O \left( \ln \left( m \right) \right)$ ancillas.

Example: MaxCut

  • For a graph, $G = (V, E)$, find $S \subset V$ so that \begin{equation} \mathrm{cut}_G (S) = \left| \left\{ (v, v^\prime) \in E : v \in S \: \& \: v^\prime \notin S \right\} \right|, \end{equation} is maximal.

  • MaxCuts
  • Recall that MaxCut is QUBO with $Q = $ Graph Laplacian.

More about MaxCut

  • MaxCut is NP-hard.

  • We only have polynomial time MaxCut-approximations.

  • Goemans–Williamson Algorithm: polynomial time algorithm to get a cut at least $\approx 88$% of MaxCut.

  • Erdős–Edwards bound for the maximal cut of connected graphs: \begin{equation} \mathrm{MaxCut}_G \geqslant \tfrac{2 m + n - 1}{4}, \quad \left( n = |V|, \: m = |E| \right). \end{equation} Can be found in $O \left( n^4 \right)$ time.


  • For graphs less than or equal to 20 verticies and with target probability $\geqslant 90$%, $l = 1, 2$ suffices.

  • Simulation with the noise model of a modern, all-to-all connected Quantum Computer (IonQ's Harmony) suggests that the noise of either oracles destroys most of the results when $n \geqslant 6$.

  • This all works for any QUBO problem with minimal modification.

  • In fact, works for all binary optimization problems (short term #1).

  • Note: we pre-computed the exact ratios of marked states; in lieu of that, one can also use an adaptive version (short term #2).


Erdős–Rényi-graph with $p = 0.5$, $|V| = 20$, & $|E| = 101$

Simulation without noise

vertices 20
edges 101
$\mathrm{MaxCut}$ 66
Erdős–Edwards 56
random chance 13.98%
$\delta$ 0.93
Query complexity 1
success probability 80.89%
expectation 55.87 (+5.37)
ancillas 7
gate count 8097
circuit depth 4009
simulation time $\sim$ 2 minutes

cut distributions

Future plans/ideas

  • Benchmark against existing algorithms.

  • Refine and study the adaptive variant.

  • Math problem: given a QUBO instance, can we bound the ratio of good configurations polynomially, from below?

  • More sci-fi: This construction can be used as an (approximate) Grover mixer for QAOA.

  • The oracle design can be used immediately for Threshold-QAOA (cf. Golden–Bärtschi–O’Malley–Eidenbenz, 2021).

Thank you for your attention!